Tuesday, February 8, 2011


A few friends and I are going to be renting a studio space at the Hungerford Building on Main St. I am super excited for this because it is going to obviously make me more productive with my art. My friend and fellow Dad's mate, Greg is going to be using the space for tattooing. So, if anyone is interested in some pretty sweet tats, he has a really awesome illustrative style. My friends Jehenna and Raven will be moving in as well. Raven paints street-art inspired psychedelic paintings and Jehenna paints with wonderful textures and also blows glass. Another sweet deal is that we are moving right across from Carla, Fawn and Caitlyn! I'm excited for our little art community.

Well, I must get back to subbing. I'm at Penfield Bay Trail Middle School today for art. We're making Paper Mache Pacific Northwest Indian masks.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the move Laura, sounds like a great little group you guys have at the end of the Hall!Have to come by and see you on one of these Fridays!
